Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Big Step and Baby Steps

Yesterday was a bigger day than usual. After I posted the "Day 12" blog, the doctors came for rounds and decided to switch Henry back to the ventilator after all. We were surprised, but have gained such a confidence in the Attending Physician that we felt fine about the decision. And it was a good one! Henry was switched back to the vent yesterday morning and was able to come off the paralytic medication at the same time. We hadn't realized we would see him wake up from his medical "slumber" yesterday, so it was really exciting when he began to open his eyes and realize we were there. He focused on each of us and even started to try to cry when he made eye contact (it was SO heartbreaking . . . especially as he struggled with the ventilator while crying . . . because we can't pick him up to comfort him).

He has been alert for long intervals since then, and it has been a joy to catch a glimpse of our Henry behind all the wires, tubes and swelling. He is losing some of the swelling, especially in his face, but his body has a long way to go. He weighs an extra 3 kilos right now, which is over 30% of his body weight. The lasix is helping him lose the edema, but it's not a quick process.

We were on a bit of a high yesterday as such a BIG step was taken, and I have to admit I've hit a low today. It felt like the pace was picking up and giving us hope yesterday, which all came to a screeching halt as not much has changed today, but I do remind myself that no news is still good news at this stage. We're back to baby steps today, but we are so thankful that they are in the right direction.


  1. All week I have been thinking about you when I hold Caleb and my heart breaks for you that you cannot hold your sweet Henry in your arms. I know that is incredibly difficult. As parents we always want to hold our babies close, especially when they cry. :(

  2. Well glad to hear that some good things have happened and that you were able to make eye contact. Yes it is heartbreaking when they are on the vent. My son was on for a few days or maybe a week. Yes little steps and let the lasix work and hopefully you will get some more good news in a few days. Try and treat yourself for a little break or walk/special tea or coffee or book. That little perk used to get me through the dark days. Hang in there. Hugs. And remember things can turn really good, really fast but we don't usually know when that happens. Hugs.
