Monday, July 13, 2009

31 Weeks

I had an ultrasound this morning, and everything still looks good! I never noticed before (in all of my pregnancies) that the "due date" at the bottom of the screen changes as they take each measurement (I knew, of course, that the u/s determined the due date, but had never seen it fluctuating before today).  Everything was right on target (on or around September 14) until they measured the femur. Then I happened to notice the due date change to October 18!  No one said anything, so I asked if that meant the femur was small, and they said yes.  The technician explained that this is common for babies with Down Syndrome and that if they hadn't already known that he had DS, it would have been a "red flag" that there might be something wrong.  Otherwise, everything looks great.  The 3D ultrasounds still amaze me -- I love how detailed they are!  Looking at Henry's sweet face makes me realize just how close we are to his arrival, and I can't wait!


  1. I'm so glad you found my site. Our stories are quite similar. The Ds blogging family has been such a help to me. The pics of Henry today are awesome. Does he have any signs of a heart defect. Unfortunately Kaitlyn does. That seems to be my greatest concern not the Ds. Good Luck with your pregnancy. I look forward to following your journey!

  2. Hi Jenee! I'm just starting to find all the DS blogs, and it is truly comforting to read other people's stories! So far, Henry's heart looks good. The fetal echo showed no signs of a heart defect. The doctor warned us that it's possible to miss a defect, but we are encouraged that it looks good so far! He will have an echocardiogram again when he is born. Thanks for checking out my blog! I will be keeping up with your too! :)

  3. Kara I am so thrilled by your blog! Your children are so adorable! I can not believe how clear and wonderful those sonogram pictures are- technology amazes me! I have two nephews with DS and they are the loves of my life. They are so sweet, innocent and pure! We are so blessed to have them in our life! I set up a website for our DS family with people from around the U.S. and around the world! It's private so I have to approve everyone who joins. I would love for you to check it out. It has such wonderful stories, pictures, advice, video's etc. It is if you are interested in joining we would love to have you there we currently have 200 members and they are all so supportive of one another! Have a wonderfully blessed week! In love and light!~Annmarie

  4. So awesome to see his face! We didn't get a 3-D but now it kinda makes me want to have one!! He looks so sweet and cozy in there :) But hopefully not TOO cozy so he doesn't decide to stay in there too much past your due date.

  5. Annemarie, thank you for the link! I'm so glad you found my blog! :)

    Amber, thanks frin :)

    Sarah, I was so delighted to get a 3D u/s today -- wasn't expecting it! He definitely won't be in there past my due date, though. Scheduled a c-section for the week before. I've already had two c-sections, two big boys, so they said that's the way we need to roll. I can't say I mind! It's pretty convenient.

  6. Congratulations!

    I just found your blog through FB. Your story is so amazing, and your boys (all three!) are beautiful.

    I look forward to getting to know you through your blog.

  7. Congratulations! We also had a CVS test done at 13 weeks and found out our son has Down syndrome. He is scheduled to be born August 25th! Enjoy your pregnancy and looking forward to following your story!

  8. Wow, I can't believe how clear those ultrasound pictures are! You can really see Henry's face so well. Enjoy.

  9. Kara- our Bennett femur's were measuring behind too but now that he is here they look perfectly fine to me! I know as I got further along in my pregnancy the weeks for his femurs grew further behind but they said it was not accurate because they are all squished up inside so that made me feel better- I thought-are they getting shorter!!??lol!

  10. Wow, Adrienne, that is good to know! I was surprised because nothing had measured short before, so I wondered why they are suddenly shorter now? Or maybe no one told me before, because no one told me this time until I asked. We do have some tall guys in our family. My other two kids are both tall like my husband, so maybe this guy will be more of a peanut (like me)? :)

  11. Kara- those pics look so familiar to me! We had a 1 in 5 chance of having a baby with DS at 11 weeks and waited until 16 weeks for the amnio to find out for sure. It was a long journey with many complications- almost lost Lila twice but thank God she made it! She's truly a blessing in our life. Can't wait to share your journey with you!

  12. I'm so glad you're blogging! Reading your story is blessing me. :)

  13. How did I miss these pictures?? I love 3-D ultrasounds -- they're so cool! I can't wait until Henry gets here & we can compare these pictures to what he really looks like.

  14. Heather, how did I miss showing you these photos when we were in OH? I brought them with me, but must have forgotten to get them out when we saw you.
