What I AM going to do is try to recap our summer in little snippets and snapshots, attempting to showcase the highs and lows and get you up to speed, Glee Style. So, if you'll humor me, this post is created to be speed-read. Aaaaand, go:
So Henry got home from the hospital and everything was going SO well (despite the ng tube) that we went to South Carolina for a vacation with friends and had a great time . . .

We also had lots of visitors and cheered for the Phillies . . .

But after a while the ng tube was getting harder to insert so we finally got frustrated and brought Henry back to the hospital, where they discovered that he has a stricture making his esophagus as "narrow as a coffee stirrer" . . .
So he had a G tube put in, can't have anything by mouth, and has many procedures coming up to attempt to dilate his esophagus . . .

We celebrated Henry's first birthday in August and let him have a taste of the frosting (shhh) which he liked SO much that he threw a Royal Fit when we took it away . . .

We're all really tired from such an eventful summer . . .

Thankfully, Mommy got away for a girls weekend . . .

And now school is starting, therapies are in full swing, and we're getting ready for the Buddy Walk in a few weeks (Go Team Oh Henry)!

And that's what you missed . . .